Your health,
on your time
Get 24/7 access to a network of 20,000+ vetted doctors Available to help you via chat, phone, and video call! With specialists in over 150 categories, you’ll find a professional for your needs.
visit has never been easier
DeliverIt Health allows you to get the full-service offerings of a doctors office from the comfort of your home.
- Available 24/7
- Family coverage
- Upfront Pricing
- Digital prescriptions
- Free follow-ups
- chat, phone, video call options
Board Certified Doctors, 5 specialties.
How does it work?
Choose Specialty
Pick specialty doctor that matches your health condition.
Schdule Appointment
Select the time and date for your video consultation.
Dr. Chyna Jackson
Optometrist Specialist
Patient Information
Fill patient information form and upload relevant documents (Lab results, X-rays..etc).
Appointment Confirmation
Receive appointment confirmation by email.