Your health,

on your time

Get 24/7 access to a network of 20,000+ vetted doctors Available to help you via chat, phone, and video call! With specialists in over 150 categories, you’ll find a professional for your needs.


Board Certified Doctors

Family Medicine

Top Rated in Houston, Texas.

When you're not feeling your best, our practitioners can help.

Waiting rooms

Our app allows you to get the full-service offerings of a doctors office from the comfort of your home.

Board Certified Doctors, 5 specialties.


Dr. Iyad Radwan

Family medicine

20 years experience


Dr. Mariel Senry


13 years experience


Dr. Abdul A. Abdellatif


16 years experience


Dr. Fethi Benraouane


11 years experience

How does it work?


Choose Specialty

Pick specialty doctor that matches your condition.


Schdule Appointment

Select the time and date for your video consultation.

Dr. Chyna Jackson

Optometrist Specialist


Patient Information

Fill patient information form and upload relevant documents (Lab results, X-rays..etc).


Appointment Confirmation

Receive appointment confirmation by email.

we’re here to all your questions

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Ready to speak
with a doctor?

Beratung für Data Science

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio voluptas debitis ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium.

The Brain Engineering

Neural Engineering

Electrical Signals in the Brain

Systems Neuroscience

Machine Learning

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat.

Neural Threads

Target Discovery

Neural Technology

Cognitive Neuroscience

About Us

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Our Mission

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Online scheduling and walk-in appointments

Mental health

Life can be challenging. We can assist in promoting your health. To help manage stress, anxiety, and depression, arrange a video appointment with a qualified therapist of your choosing when you're ready.





1 in 5 Americans will experience a mental illness in a given year.

Our advances address some of the biggest challenges in healthcare.

Start the visit. When the provider is ready, we'll email and text a link to join the video visit. You can use your phone, tablet or computer. Tell the provider your concerns. Talk about the reason for your video visit with a provider. You can share pictures if you'd like. Get a treatment plan. Your provider will work with you to diagnose your concerns and give you care options, including writing prescriptions (if medically necessary).

w Quality Service

w Affordable Out-of-pocket care

w Convenient online scheduling

Providing Exceptional Virtual Care: Our Commitment to Suberb Telemedicine Services"

You can get affordable healthcare quickly from the comfort of your home. Whether you are 200 miles from home or at home, with this telehealth service you can get virtual care and your prescriptions refilled within minutes.

Get matched with a provider. Let us know about yourself, your reason for visiting and how you'd like to pay. We'll make sure you can use our telemedicine service. Then we'll match you with a provider, who can see you within minutes.
